The Kink Leaders Program is currently on hold – in the mean time please check out the sponsoring websites
Before anyone gets their undies in a bunch (that is, if you wear undies!) that the program is called “Kink Leaders” please understand the title needed to be short & snappy.
This year long program is useful for anyone wanting to become a leader in the BDSM, Kink, Poly or Gender communities.
Actually this program will be useful for anyone wanting to be a community leader of any kind, but the focus will be on Sexuality/Relationships/Gender based communities.
“Leadership is scarce because few people are willing to go through the discomfort required to lead. This scarcity makes leadership valuable. If everyone tries to lead all the time, not much happens. It’s discomfort that creates the leverage that makes leadership worthwhile. In other words, if everyone could do it, they would and it wouldn’t be worth much. It’s uncomfortable to stand up in front of strangers. It’s uncomfortable to propose an idea that might fail. It’s uncomfortable to challenge the status quo. It’s uncomfortable to resist the urge to settle. When you identify the discomfort, you’ve found the place where a leader is needed. If you’re not uncomfortable in your work as a leader, it’s almost certain you’re reaching your potential as a leader.” – Seth Godin Tribes
Participation in the program requires about one hour of work a week, some weeks a bit less. Everyone enrolled must stay up to date with the lessons, if more than 2 lessons are missed without a sufficiently swift make-up, it is considered a drop-out.
The program consists of:
+ Written Homework Assignments
+ Pre-Recorded Videos with discussion
+ One on one conversations with Kali
+ Input & Contribution from Well Known Community Leaders
+ Extra suggested resources
+ Access to both &
The program is lead by Kali Williams (aka Princess Kali) and as the majority of contact through the year will be done over distance and online, it is accessible for many differently abled people.
The Kink Leaders program will focus on building skills needed to be a successful, confident and effective leader in the community you’re passionate about.
Anyone is eligible for the program, regardless of how long you’ve been ‘involved’ in the community. If you’re brand new, great, build a good foundation for your growing involvement. And if you’ve been a leader of some kind for years, this program will still be beneficial.
The tuition costs for the Kink Leader program is $300 for the entire year. This is a serious investment in your development which will be used directly for your own needs within the program including travel costs to offline events, service project costs, and other educational needs. If you can’t personally afford the tuition then I recommend fundraising efforts through Kickstarter/Indiegogo or we can set up a Paypal donation button for you. A certification of completion will be given to those that participate and complete the program satisfactorily.
Please be clear, Kink Academy does not profit whatsoever from this program, it’s facilitation is a community service. All tuition fees will be returned to those enrolled IF they complete the program.
In addition to using your tuition for your own travel, service project, etc. needs, you will be provided a free, full subscription access to all of and as additional resources.
If you are a community leader that would like to contribute your knowledge to the program, it would be much appreciated! YouTube videos, written articles or being featured in a webinar are all excellent options. Contact for more information